A few team members from our marketing organization were at Dreamforce 2011 last week in my favorite city in the U.S. – San Francisco, the city by the bay. Dreamforce is billed as the cloud computing event of the year and I can tell you that it did not disappoint.
Metallica headlined the Global Gala and, while my colleagues were banging their heads to “Master of Puppets,” I began to think about Metallica, the big conference themes of cloud, mobile and social and how it all converges. Nothing escapes the impact of technology and the music industry is certainly no exception. It comes as no surprise that Apple has garnered a lot of attention with the announcement of iCloud. Part of iCloud’s appeal is that it will push media to any of your Apple devices. So if you bought an album on your iMac, it would push it to your iPhone or iPad. Research in Motion (RIM), the makers of Blackberry, are incorporating a social twist with their recent announcement of the BBM Music service, which allows users to share their music library with their friends who are also subscribers.
Marc Benioff and his team at Salesforce.com as well as the big three that kept coming up at Dreamforce – Apple, Facebook and Google – have made it clear that we’re all living in a social and mobile world, with the cloud as the foundation. Making a business case for the cloud no longer seems to be the issue. However, determining the right cloud solution for your business can still be perplexing and requires a complete analysis. Download our Decision Brief on Cloud Hosting to help you determine which solution is right for you.
So now, not only is the Cloud the future, it is also cool. Thank you Metallica!